Short: Keep your time right Uploader: Carsten Larsen Author: Carsten Larsen (carsten larsen mail com) Type: util/cdity Version: 1.04 Architecture: i386-aros AmiTimeKeeper is a small program which keeps the time right on your machine. No installation is required. Only an internet connection is needed. While starting AmiTimeKeeper it is possible to adjust a number of settings. This can be done either directly from the command line or by using the tooltypes of an icon. Server and Port determines who to contact. Default server address is and default port is 123. A number of milliseconds can be set as Timeout and an Interval determines how often to poll. Verbose can be used to show more or less debug info. The default level is 0 and the maximum level is 3. By specifying Readonly the clock will not be adjusted. Changes in v1.04 15.12.2017 - Default settings adjusted to comply better with AmigaOS - Bugs in threshold settings (high/low water) fixed - Bugs in opening and closing of libraries fixed - New and more accurate error and log messages