Short: SNTP/NTP time sync client Author: Patrik Axelsson Uploader: patrik bo gmail com Type: comm/net Version: 1.1 Replaces: comm/net/sntp.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 This client can sync both the system time and real time clock against a SNTP or NTP server using the Simple Network Time Protocol described in RFC 4330. It will adjust for both timezone offset from UTC and daylight saving time using the TZONE env variable. If TZONE isn't found, it will try to use locale.library, but then it will not be able to adjust for daylight saving time. Unless you set TZONE manually or install AmigaOS4.1, you can use the following comprehensive list of utilities which maintains a TZONE env variable: I have also included the source code as it might help and or amuse someone =). Usage template: > sntp ? Server/A,NoSave/S,Quiet/S: Server - A NTP or SNTP server. They use the same protocol and return the same data, but the two types of clients work and use the data differently. NoSave - Don't save the corrected time to either the system time or real time clock. Quiet - Supress info output, but not errors. Usage example: > sntp Using env TZONE="CET-1" for UTC offset: -3600s west is a stratum 2 server. System clock is behind server by 192.860143s. Correction applied to system time and RTC. History: Version 1.1 (2016-08-04): - Fixed a bug where a time difference of more than 34 years would cause an overflow when calculating the system clock offset. - Improved info output. Version 0.3 (2015-11-02): - Initial release.